海角6號~喜瑪拉雅山小木屋 wu yang-chu這是深藏在台灣都市叢林中的一間小木屋,提供給全世界喜愛土地買賣自助旅行的人,一個免費住宿的落腳處。This is a small wooden cabin hidden deep in a city 酒店經紀jungle in Taiwan, charge free for a stay for self-help travellers around the world.如果你對西酒店工作藏、絲綢之路、喜瑪拉雅山、印度、尼泊爾、中國大陸,以及全世界任何特別的地方,有興趣,歡迎你到酒店打工喜瑪拉雅山小木屋來,我們可以提供你全世界最新、最精確的資訊。如果你喜愛美麗之島福爾摩沙的山山酒店兼職水水,也歡迎你來喝茶、聊天、分享經驗、交換心得。If your are interested in Tibet, the Silk 室內設計Road, Himalayas, India, Nepal, Mainland China and any other place around the world, you are 裝潢welcome to this Himalayan Wooden Cabin for the newest, and the most accurate information in 室內裝潢the world. If you love the mountains and waters in Formosa, you are also welcome to this 室內設計Himalayan Wooden Cabin for a cup of tea, free talk, sharing experience and exchanging mutual 裝潢feelings and gains.

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